Time for dialogue

In my election post, I talked about how I think people are tired of the culture wars. It’s time to move past the polarization, time to stop flinging flaming arrows at each other and time to stop beating people over the head with the Bible simply because we may disagree on something. In short, it’s […]

A few thoughts on the election

Now that it’s been a few days since President Obama won reelection and I’m no longer utterly sleep-deprived, I think it’s time for me to write up a few thoughts.  I’m new to the Democratic game, but I’ve been around politics for most of my life. Back in 1992, I did get-out-to-vote calls for George […]

It may be an abstraction for you, but for me, it’s my life

Idea stolen from the intarwebs with my own additions… Dear friends who are thinking about voting for Mitt Romney, When you read his or his surrogates’ comments about gays, replace "gays" with my name. Examples: Kathryn shouldn’t be allowed to marry. Kathryn getting married is a threat to families. Kathryn can’t be a good parent. Kathryn […]

Pardon me if I seem to be in a bad mood…

…but I’m rather frustrated at the outcome of the North Carolina Amendment One vote. It’s always lovely to see that 61% of the voters in a state think you’re such a threat to civilization that they have to enshrine your inequality in their state constitution. I just love being reminded that I’m a second class […]

This does not compute

One recurring theme in the fight against providing coverage for birth control, is the idea that sex is for recreation and insurance should not cover someone’s recreational activities.  Now, theoretically, I can understand the logic behind that even though I think that it’s a bad argument for a myriad of public policy reasons, not the […]