About that whole FEMEN “Topless Jihad” thing

I haven’t commented on any of the FEMEN topless protest stuff in Eastern Europe because I don’t particularly understand the point of protesting topless and figured that maybe it’s just a cultural thing that I don’t get. I did kind of get Amina Tyler’s decision to do the photos she did in Tunisia because if […]

“Stop telling us to read Wesley Hill,” and other things I would like to tell straight Christians

I’m really tired of writing about this stuff, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but because I don’t want to cut tons of people out of my life I keep seeing things pop up on Facebook that frustrate me. Here then, is my stock response that I think I will just turn into […]

Well, that is something to consider…

Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t write that parody of bad fanfic turned best-selling novel after all. Then again, if my stories become famous enough that I end up tied to those characters to the rest of my life, I’d be hating the world I created while rolling in dough, which would certainly cushion the blow. Then […]