Category Archives: Uncategorized
I need to go back to #Turkey, isn’t the #Bosporus so pretty?
About that whole FEMEN “Topless Jihad” thing
I haven’t commented on any of the FEMEN topless protest stuff in Eastern Europe because I don’t particularly understand the point of protesting topless and figured that maybe it’s just a cultural thing that I don’t get. I did kind of get Amina Tyler’s decision to do the photos she did in Tunisia because if […]
I discovered a place in #Gainesville that serves #poutine, my life will never be the same. (at Relish)
Tee hee, my trademark law case for tomorrow is about the “Barbie Girl” song. #lawschool
Well, that is something to consider…
Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t write that parody of bad fanfic turned best-selling novel after all. Then again, if my stories become famous enough that I end up tied to those characters to the rest of my life, I’d be hating the world I created while rolling in dough, which would certainly cushion the blow. Then […]
A few years back I was tossing around the idea of writing a chick lit parody until I read a ton of chick lit as research and decided that it was so over-the-top that it was un-mockable self-parody. I think that I’m going to give another go at it, but throw in some leather and […]
Behold, my bookshelf! I am in desperate need of another one for the other side of my couch. I’ve got books stacked all over the place. #books #bookshelf
–Mildred Loving, the plaintiff in the landmark case of Loving v. Virginia that struck down interracial marriage bans, commenting in 2007 on the 40th anniversary of the Loving decision. #time4marriage #equality #SCOTUS