Yesterday I gave the emotional response to Exodus International closing up shop, now here’s the logical one. I want to preface this by saying that I do think that Alan Chambers is sincere. Also, after watching the video of his comments (skip to the 19 minute mark) to the Exodus conference telling the attendees that Exodus […]
Tag Archives: christianity
Dear Evangelicals: This is why the rest of the world thinks you’re backward bigots (Or, did I just fall through a time warp to 1965?)
It’s 2013, the nation is on the verge of full marriage equality, possibly even as soon as this month, yet over on John Piper’s Desiring God blog, it seems that they’re still trying to convince readers that interracial marriage is not a sin. And not just in the abstract either, but because someone asked Piper […]
Presented without comment
Because if I said what I really wanted to say about this evil blog post by John Piper, I’d probably regret it. Actually, I will give one comment. John Piper is a self-righteous Pharisee who rejoices in the suffering of others and invents rules so that he can feel himself more righteous. Matthew 27:1-33 1Then […]
Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect
Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect Dear World Magazine: The snarky and sarcastic headline I’ve reproduced below aside, has it ever occurred to you that treating people like asses is counter to what Christ said about, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? The headline in question: […]
Nothing disappears from the Internet
I google myself from time to time to keep track of what’s out there with my name on it. In searching the other day, I came across a post that I had written on the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood discussion listserv back in college. I forget exactly why I had joined the group, I […]
One more thing
A few days ago I wrote a post on what I would like to tell straight Christians. The following is a followup expanding some of the ideas I touched on in that post, particularly more of what is behind my frustration with people trying to force “Washed and Waiting” on anyone in the Church who […]
“Stop telling us to read Wesley Hill,” and other things I would like to tell straight Christians
I’m really tired of writing about this stuff, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but because I don’t want to cut tons of people out of my life I keep seeing things pop up on Facebook that frustrate me. Here then, is my stock response that I think I will just turn into […]
Guiding Gay Evangelicals Out of the Campus Closet
Guiding Gay Evangelicals Out of the Campus Closet At a number of evangelical Christian colleges, gay alumni are pressuring their alma maters to be more accepting and offering help to the closeted undergraduates there. ——– This article is relevant to the paper I’m trying to finish. It’s also relevant because I feel like there needs […]
Time for dialogue
In my election post, I talked about how I think people are tired of the culture wars. It’s time to move past the polarization, time to stop flinging flaming arrows at each other and time to stop beating people over the head with the Bible simply because we may disagree on something. In short, it’s […]