I’ve been thinking about pride parades and what they represent, and how I responded as a kid seeing clips of pride parades on TV, or when religious right figures railed against the imagined debauchery of it all. As a good child raised to be a foot soldier of the religious right, I was supposed to […]
Tag Archives: i was a teenage activist
Guilt By Association: Kathryn gets meta
Chapter 5 part deux | Main | Chapter Six part one Sorry, no animated GIFs for this one. I want to take a moment to step back from reading the book to discuss a few things. This review series isn’t going as I expected, which I suppose is what happens when you set out to review a […]
Dear Flip: An open letter to Flip Benham on the occasion of his disrupting wedding ceremonies
Dear Flip, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but there was a time back in the 1990s when you were on a first name basis with my parents. If you don’t know me you should, my photo is on the cover of one of your Operation Save America brochures and the cover […]
When most people hear the word, “Belize,” the first thing they think of is the Central American country, or, if they have a particular affinity for Breaking Bad, then perhaps, “Send him to Belize,” as a euphemism for murder comes to mind. For me, though, “Belize” evokes memories of one of the weirder episodes of […]
Wichita anti-abortion activists need to stop calling themselves “pro-life”
If you call yourself “pro-life” you need to actually be just that–pro life. As in, you don’t support killing people. As in, you believe in a culture of life, not one of death. That you care about the lives of more than just those who are yet to be born. You know what it doesn’t […]
The one thing I can’t write about
For a time during my pre-teen and teen years, I was involved with Operation Rescue. Been there, done that, have the t-shirts (t-shirts I can’t bring myself to throw away). I’ve tried time and again over the years to sit down and write about that time in my life and I can’t do it. Not […]