Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect

Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect Dear World Magazine: The snarky and sarcastic headline I’ve reproduced below aside, has it ever occurred to you that treating people like asses is counter to what Christ said about, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? The headline in question: […]

Guard Your Heart, Part Two

This is part two in a two part series. It was originally written as part of the Homeschoolers Anonymous series, “Homeschoolers Are Out.” In this series: Part One | Part Two ***** Sometimes the hardest person to come out to is yourself. After spending a few years post-college working as a wedding and gift registry consultant (turns out I liked studying computer […]

Guard Your Heart, Part One

This is part one in a two part series, Part Two is here. It was originally written as part of the Homeschoolers Anonymous series, “Homeschoolers Are Out.” *** It turns out that it’s easy to guard your heart when you’re not attracted to someone, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. To begin this story, we […]

The one thing you should never ask a homeschool kid

The local paper does stories on all of the high school graduations, and where the stories for the other school graduations follow the same formula–mention something from the speaker, go with a few quotes from graduates about going out into the world, the homeschool support group graduation story includes quotes from kids talking up homeschooling […]

Nothing disappears from the Internet

I google myself from time to time to keep track of what’s out there with my name on it. In searching the other day, I came across a post that I had written on the Council on Biblical Manhood and Womanhood discussion listserv back in college. I forget exactly why I had joined the group, I […]

Heads up

Sometime in the next week or so some of what I’ve written here, as well as some new material, will be posted on the Homeschoolers Anonymous blog. You may be asking why, when I’ve already gone on record that my homeschooling experience was largely positive, I’m contributing to a site that chronicles some of the problems […]

“Stop telling us to read Wesley Hill,” and other things I would like to tell straight Christians

I’m really tired of writing about this stuff, I feel like I’m beating a dead horse, but because I don’t want to cut tons of people out of my life I keep seeing things pop up on Facebook that frustrate me. Here then, is my stock response that I think I will just turn into […]

Well, that is something to consider…

Hmm, maybe I shouldn’t write that parody of bad fanfic turned best-selling novel after all. Then again, if my stories become famous enough that I end up tied to those characters to the rest of my life, I’d be hating the world I created while rolling in dough, which would certainly cushion the blow. Then […]