When I wrote my post The One Thing You Should Never Ask a Homeschool Kid a few weeks ago, it didn’t cross my mind that it might generate controversy. It was basically just a rant about something that’s bugged me since I was really little, and since most homeschoolers I know have complained about random people […]
Category Archives: Migrated
Can someone explain to me how it is that Washington, DC has a 5 cent/bag fee for grocery bags yet the only store I can find that sells reusable shopping bags is Whole Foods? I can get them at every store I go into in Florida. Does DC hate the environment?
Presented without comment
Because if I said what I really wanted to say about this evil blog post by John Piper, I’d probably regret it. Actually, I will give one comment. John Piper is a self-righteous Pharisee who rejoices in the suffering of others and invents rules so that he can feel himself more righteous. Matthew 27:1-33 1Then […]
Nationals game! The sun is brutal. (at Nationals Park)
Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect
Or, you know, you could always treat people with respect Dear World Magazine: The snarky and sarcastic headline I’ve reproduced below aside, has it ever occurred to you that treating people like asses is counter to what Christ said about, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you”? The headline in question: […]
No, I will not sign your petition asking Apple and Google to remove something from their app store
There’s this article/petition that’s making the rounds of the Internet telling me that I’m apparently supposed to be OUTRAGED! that Apple and Google have some app from an ex-gay group in their app stores. The details don’t really matter, it’s the same as the go around a few years ago when people pitched a fit […]
Guard Your Heart, Part Two
This is part two in a two part series. It was originally written as part of the Homeschoolers Anonymous series, “Homeschoolers Are Out.” In this series: Part One | Part Two ***** Sometimes the hardest person to come out to is yourself. After spending a few years post-college working as a wedding and gift registry consultant (turns out I liked studying computer […]
Guard Your Heart, Part One
This is part one in a two part series, Part Two is here. It was originally written as part of the Homeschoolers Anonymous series, “Homeschoolers Are Out.” *** It turns out that it’s easy to guard your heart when you’re not attracted to someone, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. To begin this story, we […]
Memo to the US: We may have the one of the best freight rail systems in the world but it’s terrible for passenger travel. I’ve taken trains all over the world, in first world countries and developing ones and I’ve never been bounced around as much as on this Amtrak train from Tampa to DC. […]
Such a cool old train station. Also, currently a big thunderstorm, that’ll make things nice to look at out the windows.