Ding dong, Vision Forum Ministries is dead (But Vision Forum, Inc. is still raking in the cash)

Vision Forum Ministries announced today that they are closing up shop entirely. Whatever Doug Phillips did, it had to have been something so bad that the board decided the best course was to shut down the whole thing, turn off the lights and go home. Closing a ministry entirely when it’s not named after the […]

In case anyone was wondering why people acted surprised that Doug Phillips’ affair was with a woman, it’s because he posts photos on his blog like the one above. I was poking around on his blog yesterday because, to be quite honest, I’d never much paid attention to Vision Forum other than to be creeped […]

Doug Phillips confesses affair, resigns from Vision Forum, questions still remain

Yesterday Doug Phillips, one of the major names in the conservative homeschooling world and the quiverfull movement, announced his resignation from Vision Forum Ministries and the cancellation of all speaking engagements. With this, he joins a long list of Evangelical leaders who have engaged in inappropriate extramarital relationships and had to leave their ministries in […]

Shimla is one of my favorite places in the world. It’s just so pretty, like somebody picked up a fairy tale village and dropped it down in the foothills of the Himalayas. I didn’t realize until much later that the reason I could barely breathe climbing hills was because it’s an elevation of something like […]

And now, for something completely different

Could the Gators please fire their offensive line coach? Or do something to fix the offensive line? If Tyler Murphy doesn’t get some protection, it’s going to be a long season. And with that football moment, I return you to your regularly scheduled programming.

Kevin Swanson and the “Homeschool Apostates”

Guys, guys, my favorite wingnut is talking about Homeschoolers Anonymous! He doesn’t mention HA by name, because heaven forbid someone go to the website and see what it’s about, but apparently wanting to reform abuses in homeschooling makes us all apostates. Also, somehow doing debate plays into it, though I’m not entirely sure how debate could have […]

National Coming Out Day

To quote Harvey Milk: “I ask my gay sisters and brothers to make the commitment to fight. For themselves, for their freedom, for their country … We will not win our rights by staying quietly in our closets … We are coming out to fight the lies, the myths, the distortions. We are coming out to tell […]