Yesterday was my last class ever as a student. I thought it was fitting to post this photo from one of my first days of school. Back then I wanted to be an astronaut, I dreamed of being the first person on Mars. Funny how the dream seemed so much more attainable in the ’80s […]
Category Archives: Migrated
It’s time for Christian college alumni to speak out
Today brings us two interesting stories on the LGBT students at Christian colleges front. The first is the news that women’s basketball standout Brittney Griner devotes time in her new memoir to discussing her to her experiences as a gay student at Baptist-affiliated Baylor University. This quote from Griner expresses feelings that those of us […]
One final thing about the World Vision fiasco
I wasn’t going to say anything else about the World Vision thing. I don’t have any more energy. I’m tired of feeling. I’m tired of the hurt, the anger, I’m tired of caring. There’s one more thing I have to say. I’m troubled with how some of the people who are critical of World Vision’s […]
Franklin Graham wants you to think he cares about child exploitation
Franklin Graham wants you to think he cares about child exploitation He doesn’t. Franklin Graham is busy pretending he cares about child exploitation and that’s why he doesn’t want to let gay people adopt. He thinks gay people recruit children. Aside from pointing out the utter absurdity of this idea, I have one thing to […]
Think of the children?
UPDATE: As of this afternoon, World Vision caved to their critics. I don’t blame them, I blame the people who forced them into the position where they had to choose between their projects continuing and keeping their policy change. What happened is shameful and tarnishes the name of Christ. I can’t emphasize just how unbelievably […]
This is a Belize trip picture post
Figured I should probably get around to writing about my trip to Belize studying environmental law, so here are some pictures. Rocking my best Dora the Explorer look. After arriving we got on a bus and drove a few hours to get to the Belize zoo. As you can see, parts of the country look […]
In Defense of Brandon Ambrosino
For those who don’t keep up with every bit of political chatter, Brandon Ambrosino is a gay Liberty University alumnus turned essayist whose initial claim to fame was his piece for The Atlantic on “Being Gay at Jerry Falwell’s University.” Since then he’s made quite the name for himself for being contrarian while writing about […]
My view right now. At the beach in Placencia, Belize. I managed to make it out of the jungle without being bitten by a snake or eaten by a jaguar.
Leaving, on a jet plane
Well folks, come tomorrow I’m skipping the country for a week to do study abroad in Belize. I’m studying international environmental law as it relates to sustainable development practices. Here’s hoping that I don’t get any bot flies, get bitten by a fer-de-lance, or get eaten by a jaguar. Well, the odds of any of […]
I like to pretend that things don’t bother me, that I’m tough and sarcastic and let things roll off my back, but that’s not really true. I’m not sure how I didn’t know this already, but I discovered tonight that the inaptly named Alliance Defending Freedom helped draft Arizona’s bill, that, unless it is vetoed, […]