#WhiteChristmas, #Florida style. #MerryChristmas
Category Archives: Migrated
#Merry Christmas! #selfie
#DefendTheDuggars (Sort of)
I’ve said it before on social media and I’ll say it again here. The mocking of Duggar children is not something I can get behind. Criticize the Duggar parents for what they’re doing to their children, criticize Jim Bob, Michelle, and Josh for their anti-LGBT activism, that’s fair game. Mocking the kids isn’t. Kids like […]
#Gingerbread people! Made with freshly ground spices. Anybody know why the tops cracked?
Please help support the Coalition for Responsible Home Education
The organization I’m a part of, the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, launched our fund drive today. Until CRHE launched last year, there was no organization dedicated to advocating for the interests of homeschooled children. With a board made up of homeschool alumni we are in a unique position to understand the needs and challenges […]
Dear Flip: An open letter to Flip Benham on the occasion of his disrupting wedding ceremonies
Dear Flip, I don’t know if you remember me or not, but there was a time back in the 1990s when you were on a first name basis with my parents. If you don’t know me you should, my photo is on the cover of one of your Operation Save America brochures and the cover […]
I’ve been following politics since I was too young to even remember but I’ve never seen anything this bizarre. (Source: https://www.youtube.com/)
Malala and Me
I sat here crying as I watched Malala Yousafzai talk about wanting to get an education and follow her dreams. She talks about how she decided to speak up against the Taliban because she didn’t want to be locked away in her house with no education, forced to marry at 13 or 14, and I […]
Save the Internet
The Internet that you know and love is about the free exchange of information without censorship. If Internet providers have their way, that will end and providers will be able to slow down sites unless site owners pay for full speed. Join us in fighting for Net Neutrality. Tell Congress, the FCC, and the White […]
In which we live tweet a Kevin Swanson radio show rant about homeschooling and World Magazine
Have fun reading this. Or not. In any case, it’s a whole lot of ridiculous strawmen and a whole lot of attacks on homeschool alumni. Also, WORLD Magazine may be harboring socialists. He hopes not, but it’s possible. The storified version of the tweets is after the jump. [View the story “Kevin Swanson on WORLD […]