My non-profit, the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, is featured in a front page, above the fold New York Times article today. Needless to say, this is all a bit surreal. Hopefully the story will help build momentum to ensure that homeschool children everywhere are protected.
Category Archives: homeschooling
Top 10 posts of 2014
Here are my top ten posts from 2014. One thing I realized while compiling this list is that I really need to blog more, so here’s to a more productive 2015. 10. #DefendTheDuggars (Sort of) I’ve said it before on social media and I’ll say it again here. The mocking of Duggar children is not […]
#DefendTheDuggars (Sort of)
I’ve said it before on social media and I’ll say it again here. The mocking of Duggar children is not something I can get behind. Criticize the Duggar parents for what they’re doing to their children, criticize Jim Bob, Michelle, and Josh for their anti-LGBT activism, that’s fair game. Mocking the kids isn’t. Kids like […]
Please help support the Coalition for Responsible Home Education
The organization I’m a part of, the Coalition for Responsible Home Education, launched our fund drive today. Until CRHE launched last year, there was no organization dedicated to advocating for the interests of homeschooled children. With a board made up of homeschool alumni we are in a unique position to understand the needs and challenges […]
Malala and Me
I sat here crying as I watched Malala Yousafzai talk about wanting to get an education and follow her dreams. She talks about how she decided to speak up against the Taliban because she didn’t want to be locked away in her house with no education, forced to marry at 13 or 14, and I […]
In which we live tweet a Kevin Swanson radio show rant about homeschooling and World Magazine
Have fun reading this. Or not. In any case, it’s a whole lot of ridiculous strawmen and a whole lot of attacks on homeschool alumni. Also, WORLD Magazine may be harboring socialists. He hopes not, but it’s possible. The storified version of the tweets is after the jump. [View the story “Kevin Swanson on WORLD […]
Michelle Duggar’s anti-trans* robocalls and #DuggarHypocrisy
I haven’t really written about the Duggar family before because I feel for their kids still at home. They had no say about being thrust into the national spotlight, and invariably criticism of Jim Bob and Michelle turns into snark about the kids, and I don’t want that. Before I go any farther, let me […]
We’re Here, We’re Queer (and patriarchy had nothing to do with it)
I’m not sure if two examples counts as a trend, but over the last few weeks both HSLDA founder and Patrick Henry College chancellor Michael Farris and well-known homeschool mommy blogger Karen “that mom” Campbell have both suggested that the blame, as it were, for LGBT homeschoolers lies at the feet of patriarchy. Under this […]
Yesterday was my last class ever as a student. I thought it was fitting to post this photo from one of my first days of school. Back then I wanted to be an astronaut, I dreamed of being the first person on Mars. Funny how the dream seemed so much more attainable in the ’80s […]
Franklin Graham wants you to think he cares about child exploitation
Franklin Graham wants you to think he cares about child exploitation He doesn’t. Franklin Graham is busy pretending he cares about child exploitation and that’s why he doesn’t want to let gay people adopt. He thinks gay people recruit children. Aside from pointing out the utter absurdity of this idea, I have one thing to […]