Covenant College censored my alumni update

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? -Micah 6:8, KJV When I was asked at the start of last spring semester whether I would be interested in assisting on research for […]

13 Again

I feel like I just found a time machine and was transported two decades back in time. You may have seen that American Prospect came out with an article, “The Homeschool Apostates,” that chronicles some of the people who were hurt by the fundamentalist homeschooling world, and how homeschool graduates are pushing back. It’s a […]

“Not all Christians are like that”, or, why I support the NALT Project

When I first saw about the launch of the NALT Christians Project, my reaction was, “Good, finally somebody telling people to put up or shut up when they use the "not all Christians are like that” line.“ I suppose I should have expected controversy, people don’t like being told that their favorite platitude isn’t particularly useful […]

Why I can’t even get mad about The Gospel Coalition’s gay marriage and “gag reflex” piece

The Gospel Coalition, a site whose relevance to the Christian community and legitimacy as a voice for Christianity and the Gospel should already be called into doubt by their continued association with the abuse-covering-up C.J. Mahaney of Sovereign Grace Ministries, ran a piece by Thabiti Anyabwile titled The Importance of Your Gag Reflex When Discussing Homosexuality and “Gay […]

Millennials and the church, or, How evangelicals turned me into a cynic

It seems that everyone these days is talking about millennials leaving the church. CNN even gave Rachel Held Evans valuable front page real estate to write about it. Since everyone else is writing about it, I figure I might as well add my two cents, especially because I feel like nobody’s actually asking those of […]

More on Christian culture and consent

For those of you who are unfamiliar with how Tumblr, the blogging platform I use, works, one of the big features is the ability for reblog others’ posts and add your comments to the post. One blogger who reblogged my post added a lengthy comment that I think deserves further discussion.  *** This blogger suggested […]

So this is how the religious right tosses out people who are no longer useful

World Magazine today posted Andree Seu Peterson’s column, “Remember the Signs,” from their upcoming July 26th issue. The piece is about Exodus International disbanding and presents the Gay Christian Network as the enemy (remember, in christianese, “the enemy” means “satan”) leading Alan Chambers away from the truth. Oh, yeah, and she pretty much says that Alan […]


I get it now. I think I finally get it. For the longest time, I haven’t been able to understand why it is that when I try to explain to people within the church that it’s incredibly harmful to gay kids to grow up in a church world that tells them that they’re fundamentally broken, […]

Let’s Talk About Tim Tebow for a Minute

I don’t know Tim Tebow, never met the guy, though from what I’ve heard from people who knew him at UF, he’s a genuinely good guy. He’s definitely someone I’d rather have representing the University of Florida than some of the other famous alumni. What I can say for certain though, is that Tim Tebow […]

The one thing I can’t write about

For a time during my pre-teen and teen years, I was involved with Operation Rescue. Been there, done that, have the t-shirts (t-shirts I can’t bring myself to throw away). I’ve tried time and again over the years to sit down and write about that time in my life and I can’t do it. Not […]