So this is how the religious right tosses out people who are no longer useful

World Magazine today posted Andree Seu Peterson’s column, “Remember the Signs,” from their upcoming July 26th issue. The piece is about Exodus International disbanding and presents the Gay Christian Network as the enemy (remember, in christianese, “the enemy” means “satan”) leading Alan Chambers away from the truth. Oh, yeah, and she pretty much says that Alan […]

I am not Trayvon Martin

The following is my submission to the We Are Not Trayvon Martin tumblr, It’s a way of pointing out to those who don’t understand, all the ways in which those of us who were born with the privilege of having light skin in America take for granted the benefits that grants us. Benefits of the […]


I get it now. I think I finally get it. For the longest time, I haven’t been able to understand why it is that when I try to explain to people within the church that it’s incredibly harmful to gay kids to grow up in a church world that tells them that they’re fundamentally broken, […]

On the Erick Erickson coat hanger tweet

For those who don’t know, Erick Erickson is the founder of Red State and a Fox News contributor. This is what he tweeted Friday night/Saturday morning. It’s a coat hanger abortion reference.  Brief history lesson. In the days prior to Roe v. Wade, some desperate women resorted to using coat hangers or knitting needles to […]

Required reading

Stop what you’re doing and go read this Washington Times piece. The pro-life movement died along with Trayvon Martin Disappointingly, however, the right’s pro-life credibility died along with 17-year-old Trayvon Martin. The movement died when pro-lifers allowed the celebration of Trayvon Martin’s death to take place for many months on conservative websites, with little to […]

Let’s Talk About Tim Tebow for a Minute

I don’t know Tim Tebow, never met the guy, though from what I’ve heard from people who knew him at UF, he’s a genuinely good guy. He’s definitely someone I’d rather have representing the University of Florida than some of the other famous alumni. What I can say for certain though, is that Tim Tebow […]

Brain: Geek mode, engaged

I’ve been interning at the patent office this summer, back in the land of geeks and nerds. After spending the last few years in law school surrounded by liberal arts people (and ditto for the time working in Vietnam and my stint in the retail industry), it’s kind of weird to be surrounded by geeks […]